Host a Killer Summer Barbeque
Nothing says summer like back yard barbeques. Getting together with some friends, grilling up some burgers and tossing back some cold ones, nothing sounds better. This year take your Barbeque game to the next level. We created our top ten list of the best tips to ensure you are hosting the perfect summer barbeque this year.
- Don’t be afraid to try something new: Every year we all attend dozens of summer barbeques, and we are fed the same classic dishes every time. There’s nothing wrong with the basics, in fact serving the basics is essential for a successful barbeque. However, don’t be afraid to try cooking up something new, who knows it may be a hit!
- Griller picks the music: Make sure you put together the perfect summer playlist to play at all your summer barbeques. Music is essential and making sure you have the perfect playlist can help set the tone of your party.
- Games aren’t just for the kids: There are dozens of lawn games available for purchase on Amazon. Before hosting your next summer barbeque browse the selection and pick a new game to add to your collection. Your guests will love it, and your barbeque will be unforgettable.
- No one likes waiting: While it takes some time to grill to perfection, your guests may become antsy. Prepare a buffet style of varying snacks to ensure people have their munchies to carry them over until the main course!
- Get the boring stuff done early: Don’t wait until people start showing up to make sure your grills clean or your meat is defrosted. The perfect summer barbeque starts with the preparation.
- Did someone say beer?: Nothing compliments a nice juicy burger than a cold beer. Hit the store ahead of time and get a variety of drinks for your guests. Don’t forget to expand your selection to ensure everyone has something to enjoy.
- Don’t be cheap- When buying your main course try and get higher quality meat. The truth is you can taste the difference between a cheap steak and a not so cheap steak. Spend the extra few bucks, and your guests will think of you as the summer barbeque king.
- Fruit, Fruit, and Fruit!: On hot summer days nothing is more refreshing than a fresh cut watermelon or some freshly picked berries. Pack your fridge with plenty of fruit for your guests to pick on. Trust us, you’ll be happy you did.
- There is always room for desert: Get a verity of light deserts that don’t need to be refrigerated, during every summer barbeque someone always starts craving dessert.
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